Lucky about happiness

quote „Be happy and prosper“

How to be happy

Smile be cheerful celebrate and rejoice.

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About Lucky

Name: Lucky
Gender: Female
Age: 40, Birth: 1984
Education: Master degree or equivalent
Things making me happy:

My life values

Being happy and grateful all the time

What does happiness means to me?

Happiness means feeling joy

What does well-being means to me?

Being completely well in good health.

What influenced me in relation to happiness?

My life experiences and living a life well lived.

How I sacrifice my happiness to something else?


My daily routine

Exercise meditation yoga

How happy am I?

How satisfied am I?

Thoughts come to mind accidentally

Positive: Every day

Negative: Never

How important is happiness for me?

How much I work on happiness?

I think I know meaning of my life.

Standard of living satisfaction

Health satisfaction

Achievement satisfaction

Relationship satisfaction

Safety satisfaction

Being part of community satisfaction

Future security satisfaction

My perception of happiness and well-being in time (%)