Travy about happiness

quote „You can’t always be happy but you can be free“

How to be happy

Spend time doing the things you love with the people you love

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About Travy

Name: Travy
Gender: Male
Age: 25, Birth: 1994
Education: Bachelor degree or equivalent
Things making me happy:
friends | Nature | active life

My life values

Love and kindness

What does happiness means to me?

Feeling content and good about the way life is

What does well-being means to me?

Being happy with what I’m a doing on a day to day basis, enjoying my life the way it is

How happy am I?

How satisfied am I?

How important is happiness for me?

How much I work on happiness?

Standard of living satisfaction

Health satisfaction

Achievement satisfaction

Relationship satisfaction

Safety satisfaction

Being part of community satisfaction

Future security satisfaction